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"A Holistic View of Cybersecurity Education Requirements", in Cybersecurity Education for Awareness and Compliance
Furnell SM, Vasileiou I
I.Vasileiou and S.Furnell (Eds.), IGI Global, Hershey, PA, pp1-18, ISBN: 978-1-52257-847-5, 2019
Links:  External link available

This chapter sets the scene for the book as a whole, establishing the need for cybersecurity awareness, training, and education in order to enable us to understand and meet our security obligations. It begins by illustrating key elements that ought to form part of cybersecurity literacy and the questions to be asked when addressing the issue. It then examines the problems that have traditionally existed in terms of achieving awareness and education, both at the user level (in terms of lack of support) and the practitioner level (in terms of a skills shortage). The discussion highlights the importance of a holistic approach, covering both personal and workplace use, and addressing the spectrum from end-users through to cybersecurity specialists.

Furnell SM, Vasileiou I