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» Openaccess proceedings » Thirteenth International Symposium on Human Aspects of Information Security & Assurance (HAISA 2019)
Thirteenth International Symposium on Human Aspects of Information Security & Assurance (HAISA 2019) |
Title: Using the IKEA Effect to Improve Information Security Policy Compliance
Author(s): Omar Olivos
Reference: pp12-19
Keywords: IKEA effect, Bloom’s Taxonomy, Security Policy Compliance, Behavioural Economics
Abstract: In this paper, we propose the use of the IKEA effect to develop a deeper sense of value and ownership of security policies so that employees appreciate them more and therefore comply with them. In order to achieve this, we propose that Bloom’s Taxonomy be used to prepare the awareness sessions. The main emphasis should not be on the use of the Lower Order Thinking Skills (LOTS) but on the Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS). The main goal is for employees to be part of the ‘creation’ process of the security policies which will develop the IKEA effect in them. They get the chance to analyse the current policies, procedures and rules; evaluate, assess and criticize their relevance from their point of view and; through a negotiation process with the security officer adapt, devise and assemble ‘new policies’. After this process, we find that employees not only have a more positive attitude towards following the security policies – they are not seen as an obstacle anymore – but also towards enforcing them as they feel that they are part of the creation of the policies, they take ownership of them and as a consequence value them more.
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