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Usability of Security Mechanism
Ofomata J, Clarke NL
Advances in Communications, Computing, Networks and Security Volume 7, ISBN: 978-1-84102-283-3, pp59-68, 2010
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In spite of the available sophisticated security mechanisms to safeguard computer systems and
work stations, the rate of computer crime and abuse is still on the increase simply because
most computer users find it difficult to effectively implement the available security
mechanisms. Consequently, users’ inability to secure their system resulted to loss of funds,
reputation and other sensitive data. However, this study aims at investigating the problems
experienced by end-users which impede their effective implementation of security mechanism,
for this purpose, a survey was designed and published online at the CISNR web site for a
period of one and half month. The analytical review of the result generated by 231 respondents
highlighted many usability weaknesses and based on these identified usability problems, some
useful recommendations were suggested to nip these usability problems on board.

Ofomata J, Clarke NL