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Watermarking using Side Information
Antony A, Ambroze MA
Advances in Communications, Computing, Networks and Security Volume 7, ISBN: 978-1-84102-283-3, pp38-44, 2010
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Digital Watermarking was developed so as to prevent the illegal use of the digital media. The
extreme significance of it started when cybercrimes started to multiply. To a large extend
watermarking was capable of preventing such misuse. However with the rise of threats to the
watermarking, there was an acute requirement of some technological improvements so as to
sustain the fact of securing digital data within the communication systems. The approach to
solve this problem was by modifying the existing watermarking schemes corresponding to the
levels of security and robustness. The main aim of this paper is to develop a watermarking
scheme which has the properties of robustness to attacks and at the same time providing
considerable amount of security. For this a research was conducted for attaining this objective
and the results publicized that watermarking in the frequency domain can attain this criterion
when compared with the schemes of watermarking in the spatial domain. So, a watermarking
scheme, in discrete cosine transform (DCT) was experimented for this purpose on the
frequency domain. This scheme was supposed to undergo geometric distortions like rotation
and cropping. Finally the results revealed that this was really substantial in most of the cases to
that of the schemes in the spatial domain like LSB watermarking mainly.

Antony A, Ambroze MA