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“The websites of Higher Education Institutions are more than merely promotional interfaces with potential students” - Web Accessibility and Usability in a HEI environment
St John IL, Phippen AD
Advances in Communications, Computing, Networks and Security 6, ISBN: 978-1-84102-258-1, pp302-309, 2009
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Accessibility and usability are key fundaments a system designer should use in order to produce an effective and efficient website. The task of meeting the needs of user diversity in the modern world should be a high priority to any developer when looking at software development and the graphical user interface (GUI).

This paper discusses research carried out with web focus groups comprising of 23 users at the University College Plymouth St Mark & St John (UCPMarjon) in Plymouth, England. The study adopted a Human Computer Interaction (HCI) approach and discovered a number of flaws in the conceptual model of the UCPMarjon website. Recommendations were made to improve the website and form a new conceptual model that Higher Education Institutions (HEI) should adopt as a baseline for website accessibility.

St John IL, Phippen AD