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Atlantis University: Learn Your Own Way
Schneider O, Bleimann U, Stengel I
International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp184–201, 2009
Links:  External link available

Nowadays, capability development requires a flexible approach and needs to consider aspects such as internationalisation, effective teamwork and learner mobility. A learning infrastructure has been developed which combines three different types of learning and teaching. It supports the adaptation of content presentation to varying learning situations. It uses a storytelling-based framework that is influenced by parameters such as current position of the learner, device used, learner-type, available timeframe and prior actions. This system enables context sensitive and Collaborative Content Manipulation and thus, helps to overcome some of the problems associated with this type of system.

Schneider O, Bleimann U, Stengel I