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Dependence of dfree in MPCCC Systems
Ambroze MA, Wade G, Tomlinson M
IEEE Transactions on Communications, Volume 51, Number 3, pp. 318-325, 2003
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This letter first investigates the distribution of the free distance, parameter dfree for multiple parallel concatenated schemes based on random interleavers. The distribution is obtained by computer search for information weight IW=2 error events, which are the most likely events to produce dfree, at least for turbo codes. The dependence upon interleaver length and code memory is also studied. The design of the S-interleaver for turbo codes is shown to depend upon a combination of IW=2 error events (which are dependent on S) and IW=2+2 crossed error events (which are independent of S). The limiting value of S (for which the two effects are equal) is calculated for turbo codes and a novel algorithm to increase this limit (and hence, dfree) is presented. The S-random interleaver design is extended to schemes with two interleavers, for which the use of paired S-random interleavers is proposed.

Ambroze MA, Wade G, Tomlinson M