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Extending the Dorsch decoder towards achieving maximum-likelihood decoding for linear codes
Tomlinson M, Tjhai CJ, Ambroze MA
IET Communications, Volume 1, Issue 3, pp. 479-488, 2007
Links:  External link available

It is shown that the relatively unknown Dorsch decoder may be extended to produce a decoder that is capable of maximum-likelihood decoding. The extension involves a technique for any linear (n, k) code that ensures that n-k less reliable, soft decisions of each received vector may be treated as erasures in determining candidate codewords. These codewords are derived from low information weight codewords and it is shown that an upper bound of this information weight may be calculated from each received vector in order to guarantee that the decoder will achieve maximum-likelihood decoding. Using the cross-correlation function, it is shown that the most likely codeword may be derived from a partial correlation function of these low information weight codewords, which leads to an efficient fast decoder. For a practical implementation, this decoder may be further simplified into a concatenation of a hard-decision decoder and a partial correlation decoder with insignificant performance degradation. Results are presented for some powerful, known codes, including a GF(4) non-binary BCH code. It is shown that maximum-likelihood decoding is realised for a high percentage of decoded codewords and that performance close to the sphere packing bound is attainable for codeword lengths up to 1000 bits.

Tomlinson M, Tjhai CJ, Ambroze MA