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Mobile Security: A Pocket Guide
Furnell SM
IT Governance Publishing, ISBN: 978-1849280204, 77pp, 2009
Links:  External link available

Mobile devices represent an increasingly important proportion of the technology market, with laptops, PDAs and smartphones all offering substantial opportunities to improve personal communications and business flexibility. In addition, removable storage, such as memory sticks, now enables enormous quantities of data to be carried around, making it available to use on demand in any location. However, such undoubted advantages can also bring considerable risks, with devices being physically vulnerable to loss, theft and damage, as well as potentially exposed to various forms of electronic attack. As such, there is a significant and growing need for protection, in order to enable us to get the best out of the kit in an otherwise dangerous digital world. The book provides a concise reference to the key security issues affecting those that deploy and use mobile technologies to support their organisations. It aims to raise awareness of the threats to which mobile devices, users and data are exposed, as well as to provide advice on how to address the problems.

Furnell SM