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Attack Pattern Analysis: Trends in Malware Variant Development
Abu-Bakar UA, Furnell SM, Papadaki M, Pinkney G
Advances in Network & Communication Engineering 3, pp90-99, 2006
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This paper presents an investigation into recent trends and patterns in malware variant development targeting the Microsoft Windows environment. This research focuses on three significant malware threats: Beagle, Netsky and Mytob; which were all successful mass mailing worms and unique in terms of their propagation techniques and functionality. The results from this investigation showed that mass mailing worms still prove to be the preferable propagation method, but other techniques are also required to ensure it becomes successfully widespread. Mass mailing worms also continues to prove successful in terms of their propagation speed and widespread distribution.

Abu-Bakar UA, Furnell SM, Papadaki M, Pinkney G