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Enhancing Response in Intrusion Detection Systems
Papadaki M, Furnell SM, Lee SJ, Lines BL, Reynolds PL
Journal of Information Warfare, vol. 2, no. 1, pp90-102, 2002
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With rising levels of attacks and misuse, intrusion detection systems are an increasingly important security technology for IT environments. However, while intrusion detection has been the focus of significant research, the issue of response has received relatively little attention. The majority of systems focus response efforts towards passive methods, which serve to notify and warn, but cannot prevent or contain an intrusion. Where more active responses are available, they typically rely upon manual initiation. The paper examines the reasons for this, and argues that a more comprehensive and reliable response framework is required in order to facilitate further automation of active responses. A range of factors are identified that a software-based responder agent could assess in order to improve response selection, and thereby increase trust in automated solutions.

Papadaki M, Furnell SM, Lee SJ, Lines BL, Reynolds PL